A Treasury of Mystic Terms

Science of the Soul Study Group® Library Services

Control/Worldcat Number: 55808241, 1125007223

The Science of the Soul Study Group® is pleased to make available to libraries, at no cost including free shipping, the complete 16-volume set of A Treasury of Mystic Terms, a comprehensive resource of spiritual terms that appear in the literature of the world religions and mystical traditions. Those interested can browse this website for more information and details, including many sample pages. When Part IV becomes available at the end of 2023, we will automatically offer it to you also at no cost. Shipping is Free!

To request the complete 16-volume set of A Treasury of Mystic Terms, at no cost including Free Shipping, click here:

Part I, 6 Volumes

Part I, 6 Volumes – The Principles of Mysticism

Managing Editor & Writer: John Davidson
ISBN: 81-901731-0-3
  • Volume 1 - The Universe of Spirituality - 592 pages
  • Volume 2 - The Divine Eternity - 392 pages
  • Volume 3 - The Divine Creative Power - 512 pages
  • Volume 4 - The Hierarchy of Creation - 400 pages
  • Volume 5 - Man and the Cosmos - 408 pages
  • Volume 6 - The Soul in Exile - 520 pages
Part II, 4 Volumes

Part II, 4 Volumes – Spiritual Guides and Practitioners

Managing Editor & Writer: John Davidson
ISBN: 978-93-80077-47-5
  • Volume 7 - Acknowledgements, Editorial Notes, Abbreviations, Bibliography, Index of Headwords - 600 pages
  • Volume 8 - Guides and Practitioners - 600 pages
  • Volume 9 - Guides and Practitioners, The Inner Guide, the Inner Beloved - 600 pages
  • Volume 10 - Powers, Attributes, Characteristics, Baptism, Initiation, Mysteries, and Spiritual Association - 568 pages
Part III, 6 Volumes

Part III, 6 Volumes – Spiritual Experiences & Practices

Managing Editor & Writer: John Davidson
ISBN: 978-93-88733-24-3,25-0,26-7,27-4,28-1,29-8
  • Volume 11 - Spiritual Experience - 655 pages
  • Volume 12 - States of Consciousness - 640 pages
  • Volume 13 - States of Consciousness, Going Within, Death and Dying – 640 pages
  • Volume 14 - Religious Practices & Beliefs – 632 pages
  • Volume 15 - Religious Practices & Beliefs, Spiritual Practices – 632 pages
  • Volume 16 - Spiritual Practices – 632 pages

Part IV, 7 Volumes

Part IV, 7 Volumes – The Spiritual Way of Life

Managing Editor & Writer: John Davidson
  • Volume 17 - Human Perfection and Imperfection
  • Volume 18 - Human Perfection and Imperfection (cont’d.)
  • Volume 19 - Conduct of Life, Diet and Spirituality, The Way of the World and the Way of the Spirit
  • Volume 20 - Treading the Spiritual Path
  • Volume 21 - Treading the Spiritual Path (cont’d.)
  • Volume 22 - Treading the Spiritual Path (cont’d.), Connection with the One
  • Volume 23 - Connection with the One (cont’d.)

A Treasury of Mystic Terms has been compiled using the collective skills of an international team of researchers, contributors, assistant editors, and readers with a wide variety of religious and cultural backgrounds. All those involved have given freely of their time to this project, demonstrating the essential unity that is behind the apparent diversity of religions, philosophies, and mystical traditions. This multi-volume work, planned in four parts, is a collection of essential spiritual terms. Its primary objective is to elucidate the meaning of the terms used by the many different spiritual and religious traditions of the world throughout history. Its purpose is to help people understand something of the basics concerning his or her religious background, within the framework of a universal understanding of spirituality.

All terms are explained in a simple manner, with each term presented as a separate entry. With the explanations grouped according to subject and placed alongside one another, many similarities between the various religions immediately become apparent. Among these many pages, the reader will find a mixture of interesting concepts, quotations, thoughts, perceptions and ideas. There is something for everyone, whatever their interest.

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